Thursday, December 1, 2016

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

Hi family and friends! I haven't posted in awhile, but wanted to say Happy December! 

The Christmas season has always and will probably forever be my favorite time of the year. As we close in on December 25th, I believe that too many of us forget why we are celebrating. Our Savior, Christ the Lord, was given to us as a dear sweet baby to redeem us and give us hope, joy, and love. These are the gifts and feelings we all need to be focusing on-not how many presents are left on the list. Let's not get too stressed out or "dread" the season, but be joyful in it. Let's focus on being mindful of God's presence and love in our hearts and families. 

Christmas in our home this year is going to be so much fun. Anna (almost 2) and newly 4 year old Nicholas are now old enough to be thrilled Christmas morning. The joy in little people's eyes is so refreshing as they are completely happy with the little things. They are truly pure of heart and I envy it. Of course, Santa is a topic in this house and Nicholas inquires about him almost everyday, but I'm also making an effort to emphasize Christ's birth. At age 4 and 2, it's hard to understand that Christmas isn't all about getting presents, but we'll get there eventually.

I'm here to share some of my favorite Christmas ideas and Pins. 

Decorate your home with Free Printables

Spruce up your home for free this holiday season with these 6 gorgeous Farmhouse Christmas Printables. Perfect for any lover of farmhouse style.

Christmas Tree Farm Printable

Simplistic Guide to Christmas Shopping for Children
Love this one.
Keep Christmas shopping simple for children this year by using this KonMari inspired category list when buying!:

Christmas Scripture
25 Christmas Traditions at …These are 25 simple and memorable ways to celebrate Christmas! #christmas #traditions:

Christmas PJs

'Tis the season for cozy PJ sets! Crafted with a cozy cotton top and Fair Isle print pants, perfect for Christmas morning. Note: To help keep children safe, cotton pjs should always fit snugly.: $10
   Snowman scarf sleep set $21


Plaid Bear Cheeks Flapjack Pajamas             
Plaid bear cheeks flapjack pajamas $20 me under the mistletoe

Tell us about some of your Christmas Traditions. Thank you for visiting.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 

The Earnharts

Monday, November 28, 2016

Because Sometimes You're Just Too Tired

Just a short post today. I don't want to stop writing for you all, but I'm working extra days all this month so I'll do my best. Stay posted.

Every mom knows that there are months or even years of chronic sleep deprivation. It comes to the point when you can literally fall asleep in your dinner plate. Maybe you're currently a sleepless mom or you're starting to get your "life" back. Wherever you may be-know that I am with you among so many others.

So, prior to having kids I thought that all my babysitting gigs and nanny jobs had me well prepared for motherhood. Boy, I was dead wrong! Yes, I knew how to care for little people, but like all moms say "It's different when you can hand them back at the end of the day." There are just sooo many things that people don't tell you when you're about to have a baby. Maybe for good reason. 
There are numerous posts out there, but that's another post I'll have to create. 

Both my kids had acid reflux and neither of them slept through the night until they were at least 9-10 months old. And that didn't mean that every night there after held a full nights sleep. I realize that this comes with the territory, but over time it really wears on me. Anyway, I can go on and on, but seriously the lack of sleep is the number one thing that breaks me every time! No contest. Hands down. Maybe it's because I workand need my mental energy or because I'm not willing to sleep train my baby at 6 months, but it kills me!

Here's some examples of how I knew I was way too tired to function! (Maybe you can relate.)

You know you're too tired when you:

1. Find your keys in the freezer.
2. Put lettuce in the pantry.
3. Realize a hot shower is one of God's glorious gifts.
4. Fall asleep in the shower standing up.
5. Master the art of falling asleep anywhere in 5 minutes.
6. The thought of putting on something other than yoga pants is just exhausting.
7. Secretly happy when your toddler asks you to lay next to his bed so you can fall asleep too.
8. Don't mind red lights because you can pause just for a second.
9. Walk around all day with just one earring in-yes, just one! And no one told
10. Have permanent dark circles that no amount of makeup can cover!
11. Go to checkout in the grocery store, but you left your wallet in the car!
12. Inadvertently kick your husband out of your room (just for a few months), so you can co-sleep and nurse in bed all night (even though you know it isn't safe) because you just need a few hours of rest!! 

I'm sure there are tons more, but there's just a few I could come up with tonight. In all seriousness, motherhood is one of best, but also one of the hardest experiences I've ever come across! The struggle is real people, but more than worth it. My kids are my heart and my life. Seeing them grow gives me joy each and everyday and that my friends is what we call priceless

❤️ Maria 

Friday, January 22, 2016

Pizza-it's what's for dinner!

It's a lazy day at home while freezing rain and a light dusting of snow come down. Growing up in the north, it's quite comical how everyone panics down south. Rightfully so, as 2 years ago we faced a snow-pocalypse and it was a complete disaster. We're not equipped down here and we have very hilly and curvy roads that ice over. Driving becomes a huge challenge and it is down right scary.  I'm just very grateful that we are not in the middle of winter storm Jonas. Everyone please be safe!

So, when it's cold I want comfort food a lot. I know it's horrible (not diet friendly), but I must be hibernating. Yummy pizza has been a recent craving. No, I'm not pregnant-I just want certain foods from time to time. However, there's always a dilemma when I want to order pizza because I'm so critical of all the chains and restaurants we've tried. Some of them are "ok" in a pinch, and dare I say that we even ingest frozen pizza in an Italian household! Life gets busy, yet I'm always disappointed and a little grossed out after eating one. Yuck! And honestly, I would rather not even order a pizza because it doesn't come remotely close to an excellent Chicago pizza. That's all I really wanted tonight-where is Mamma Maria's when I need "her"? Sigh.

Look, I admit that I am completely spoiled and a huge food snob-especially Italian food. (There I said it and I feel so much better.) All I'm saying is that you cannot ignore the wannabes of food when you've had the homemade superior version. It's just a fact-ask anyone in our family. 

I've made homemade pizza dough before and the whole ordeal, but that is something that needs to be planned out and like anything worth eating, you need time. Not exactly tons of that around these days with work and two small kids. So, cue Publix and their premade fresh pizza dough. The possibilities are endless and in my opinion the pizza is soo much better than take out. Why? Because you're cooking at home and controlling the outcome with fresh quality ingredients. Tonight, we had their multigrain dough with sausage (bought fresh), sliced baby portabellas, and fresh spinach. The result was a flavorful and fresh pizza! Nick and I kept saying-"This is sooo good!" It clearly did not disappoint. We almost ate the whole shame.

True, it wasn't Italy, Chicago, or even a brick oven pie, but it was totally worth the small effort. Go ahead and save yourself some "dough" (hahaha) and make it yourself. Try it! It's a great solution when you're low on time and want a better faster fix.

Buon Appetito!

Umm...did I just type that much about pizza?! Guess so. Let it be known that pizza is serious business in this family!

Monday, January 18, 2016

4 Useful Tips for Choosing Your Perfect Paint Colors

We moved into our current home almost two years ago. The house was built in 1996 and updates have and are continuing to be made. Since we were not opposed to painting ourselves, the first assignment was to say bye bye to the "Friendly Beige." It was literally everywhere besides the foyer and dining room.  At times, the beige possessed a pinkish hue and it was gross. We are almost rid of every hint of beige-close, so close.

When it comes to paint colors, I'm soooo indecisive because in my opinion there's just too many options. I fall into a stupor staring at the color displays at Home Depot and Lowes. Then somehow, twenty paint chips end up in my bag. It was only after completing two decor projects for Nicholas' nursery (comprised solely of paint chips) that I became aware of my "hoarding" problem. Oops!

I'm not an interior designer by any means, but here are 4 useful tips when choosing your perfect colors.

1. Know your personal style.

Start by creating your own mood or inspiration board. Pin rooms, colors, ideas, vignettes, and basically anything that you really love. Pinterest and Houzz are great tools for this or just grab some books and magazines. I drool over everything Pottery Barn, Ballard Designs, Restoration Hardware, and Dot & Bo. Over time, you'll notice what style you naturally gravitate towards. So far, I'm contemporary (not modern) and traditional with a love for all things nautical, craftsman, and modern farmhouse. Weird I know, but I'll have to share with you some of our rooms. The goal is to pin point the ambiance and functionality desired for your space. Most all of our paint colors fall into the gray family, because I love gray. Will this change in 5-10 years? Most likely, but I'll worry about that later.

2. Keep the color palette cohesive.

Looking back on our first home, the colors were very scattered. Despite my best efforts, the rooms were each a different color and it lacked flow. The whole designer-homey feel that I so desired just wasn't there. As previously mentioned, almost all of our paint colors are gray with green or blue undertones. In order to create a sense of cohesion, I recommend choosing 4-5 coordinating colors that you wouldn't mind repeating in several rooms throughout the home. You can always bring in an accent color and/or lighten or tint the core colors to add some variation. Draw a little sketch of all your rooms and play around with different colors. provides a great example. (Aside: I wish this blog was still running.) Check out this great color pallete at I'm head over heels for every single one of these colors!

3. Get a sample and put it up! And don't stress.

I have more $3 Behr paint samples that I'd care to admit, but physically placing the paint on your wall is a must. The lighting changes throughout the day causing the color to change. If you don't want to commit to placing it on the wall, paint a white cork board (Dollar Tree) and place it in the space. I was always frustrated when the paint on the wall looked nothing like the swatch. Grrrrr... Save yourself the headache and try it out first. You will not regret it. And remember, don't stress-it's just paint.

4. Hire a professional if needed.

This right here saved us a lot of frustration and time. We had several factors that made choosing one color for our open concept kitchen and family room a challenge. For example, different lighting in both rooms, a large open space, and outdated oak kitchen cabinets. Thankfully, my neighbor referred a great local interior designer. One too many taupe greenish-olive samples, that resembled toothpaste, had been slapped on my walls. Needless to say, I was thrilled that she provided several options and her services did not break the bank. The family room and dining room are now painted Universal Khaki by SW and I couldn't be happier!

These are just a few guidelines that worked for us and we're hoping they can help make your house beautiful. Subscribe by email and please share (only positive uplifting comments) some of your favorite paint colors.

P.S. I'll be posting our home paint colors in the future since we are often asked what they are.


Friday, January 15, 2016

Coffee Love

Bold, velvety, rich, light, decadent...hmmm. Oh yes, I heart coffee.

Clearly, this isn't a blog about coffee, but I sure do love that black elixir in the mornings.  The start to my day wouldn't feel right without that first sip. Senza coffee, I feel off all day and struggle to wake up; it's just plain horrible. I've gone plenty of days without coffee (try first trimester first pregnancy) and it's not fun.

Let's just say coffee has always been a constant presence in my life. At about age 10, I knew how to brew proper espresso on the stove top. My sisters and I became little baristas for family members and friends. With questions of "Would you like sugar with your espresso? Long or short?" Don't forget those teeny tiny perfect espresso spoons. Un caffe is essentially part of who I am and plays a dynamic role in our family. One thing you may not know about me yet is that I am a first generation Italian American-precisely a Sicilian American. The mere fact that almost all members of my family own a espresso machine is probably not the norm. (I'll post more about how true Italians take their coffee in the future. Oh yes, and the adventures of being raised in the states with very strong Italian traditions/roots.)

In reality, coffee is serious business and a non-negotiable to many coffee lovers. Just ask them!  As clearly seen by all the Starbucks and coffee shops around, it is also an integral part of the American lifestyle. I personally love the atmosphere in coffee shops. Who doesn't love to people watch, read a book, or write that paper without being completely bored or feeling alone?  The sound of coffee beans grinding and the different aromas are simply divine. The upside for us coffee lovers are the health benefits. Moderate amounts of caffeine have been linked to increased energy and focus (obviously), but also a decreased chance of Alzheimer's and dementia. Seems like a win-win to me!

Here's a great link from authority nutrition:

Here's to you and your cup of coffee!

And just for fun!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

DIY Art Caddy

Hey Everyone! Hope everyone is staying warm on this frosty day.

So, every once in a while when I want to feel human again and recharge my batteries I go shopping alone! It's quite amazing how rejuvenating just an hour alone can be. And because Target is five minutes away, that's my go to place for much needed mommy time. Even if I don't buy anything, browsing with a latte in hand (of course this Target has a Starbucks) is a slice of heaven.

Anyway, I can rarely pass up those $1 and $3 dollar bins because they're such a good deal. However, I'm in the spirit of de-cluttering and organizing my home so I'm trying to be more intentional with my purchases. Honestly, who needs more junk?! Simplifying and having a place for everything is a goal of mine.

I spotted these cute tins in bright pink and teal. LOVE THEM. I picked up four for $1 each and also the white square tub for $3. I used my hot glue gun to adhere the buckets to prevent them from sliding or shifting. For $7-it's exactly what I needed for Nicholas' markers, crayons, and colored pencils. At the moment, it lives on our kitchen counter because we use it so frequently. The bright colors make us all smile.

Welcome: Meet Maria

Welcome to Morning Coffee and Cuddles …… I’m Maria, a 30 something part-time working mom of two beautiful children, Nicholas three and Anna one.  I heavily rely on coffee to jump start my mornings. Umm…who doesn’t?  Having two children 2 years apart has kept life busy and I am here to share my experiences of motherhood, parenthood, and how we manage our household.  DIY crafts, organization, and home decor on a budget also catch my eye.

As you know, being a mother is neither perfect nor glamorous! You should see what I wear at home on a daily basis. But, it’s the hardest most important job that God has given me. Life inevitably gets crazy, but those little moments when your baby giggles or your son says something down right hilarious makes every second worth it. This purpose of this blog is to connect and inspire you. It’s about making your life just a little easier.  As a mom, it’s nice to know and feel like you’re not alone in this crazy mess. In retrospect, I wish someone had told me half the information that came my way as a new mother.

I am green and have no experience when it comes to blogging. Did I just say that? Yes, I did!  I’m not a lactation consultant, sleep coach, or a mommy whisperer. You won’t see me eating kale every morning and hitting the gym.  All you will find here is a normal mom just trying to get better each day and find balance in life.  You’ll find a cheerleader, friend, encourager, and an imperfect person who doesn’t have it all figured out.

Grab a cup of Joe and stay a while! As women and mothers, we need to uplift each other in Christ.

I would love to hear from you. 
Send me an email: